Trusted Family Relationships & Age Assurance Done Right.

All Identities. All Ages. All Parents. One Solution.

TrustElevate is a leading CaaS platform that provides online age verification and child protection tools for businesses.

The Problem: Minimum Effort, Maximum Risk

Consumers today are increasingly aware of the dangers lurking online, especially for children.  They see headlines about data breaches, algorithmic manipulation, and the spread of harmful content. Companies that prioritize profits over genuine online safety solutions risk losing public trust and loyalty.

The Opportunity:

Be a Leader, Not a Follower

In today's competitive landscape, businesses that prioritize user safety can differentiate themselves. 

Here's how your brand can take a stand:

  • Move Beyond Compliance: Don't settle for meeting the bare minimum legal requirements. Proactive investment in robust safety measures builds trust and demonstrates genuine commitment to user well-being.

  • Transparency is Key: Be upfront about your online safety efforts. Educate users about the steps you're taking to protect them. Regular reports on safety initiatives foster trust and open communication.

  • Empower Your Users: Provide users with tools and resources to manage their online safety. This could include parental controls, clear reporting mechanisms, and educational content on online threats.

  • Collaboration is Key: Partner with industry experts, law enforcement, and NGOs to develop comprehensive online safety solutions. Working together creates a stronger shield against online threats.

The Benefits Are Obvious:

By prioritizing online safety, your brand can:

  • Build Brand Awareness: Positive media coverage and word-of-mouth praise from satisfied customers will elevate your brand image.

  • Increase Customer Loyalty: When users feel safe and protected on your platform, they'll be more likely to stay engaged and become loyal brand advocates.

  • Attract Top Talent: A culture that prioritizes safety attracts employees who share your values, leading to a stronger and more dedicated workforce.

TrustElevate offers the only secure, accurate, and privacy-focused solution for verifying all ages, including children, and obtaining verified parental consent.

All ages.
No risk.

With a zero data retention policy, your business can have peace of mind that your customers' data is not at risk.

You’ll also comply with the CCPA, GDPR, AVMSD, PSD2, AML and hundreds of the world’s privacy and security laws.

Our Solutions Enable

Customer Confidence

Tailor content, products, and services to the age of your customers and protect your brand. 

Data Ethics

Enabling accountability, transparency and fairness with zero data transfer.

Regulatory Compliance

Our solution enables compliance with GDPR, AVMSD, PSD2, ePrivacy Regulation, Online Harms. 

Download our brochure to learn more about TrustElevate and our partner integrations

Our Partners:

VPC Trust Alliance

The VPC Trust Alliance unites industry leaders, regulators, and experts to develop online safety standards for children and vulnerable populations.

Join us in creating a better internet for children and vulnerable adults through building consensus on the development of technical standards, robust auditing, and certification processes.

The Inspired Internet Pledge

Together, we can make the internet a healthier place for young people

The Inspired Internet Pledge is a commitment by all who work within the digital ecosystem to unite with the common goal of making the internet a safer and healthier place for everyone, especially young people.

TrustElevate is proud to be a signatory on this pledge

Book A Demo

Discover how we can help you comply with legal requirements regarding the collection and processing of age verification data.

When you contact us, you’ll receive a prompt and personalised response from our team. We will schedule a demo tailored to your specific needs, allowing you to see our solutions in action and how they can benefit your business.